Privacy Policy

Primview wants you to know that we prioritize the accuracy of our content, which is supported by our Fact-Checking Policy.

Due accuracy of all Our content

Accuracy, fairness, and balance are crucial to building and maintaining trust with our audience. We strive to provide accurate content that meets our audience’s expectations, and we fact-check every news report with skepticism. While we acknowledge areas of uncertainty, we aim to provide the most accurate account possible. The level of stringency required to fact-check the information on different types of stories varies, such as sources required for a positive NGO story versus an investigative one.

We adhere to the guidance below to ensure due accuracy in Our content:

  • We make sure that any information we share is from a reliable source and is based on concrete and corroborated evidence. If we don’t have a direct source, we will attribute the information to the platform from where it was sourced. 


  • We strive to verify all claims, allegations, or information that is attributed to public authorities or individuals who we believe have a cause beyond just sharing the truthfulness of the event. If we are unable to corroborate the information, we will call it out and qualify it accordingly.


  • We stand by the accuracy of the information we publish. If we are proven wrong, we will change the news/information as soon as possible and inform our readers of the changes made.


We value our audience’s trust and do not misinform or present made-up information as factual content. We acknowledge and rectify all serious factual errors and inform our audience of the changes made. To report any inaccuracies on our website, use the “Suggest A Correction” section at the end of our reports

Our journalists report, write, and fact-check news. Our stories undergo thorough scrutiny and are reviewed by editors before publication. Editors’ seniority depends on the issue’s complexity and time pressure. If there’s an allegation, we verify the information independently for accuracy.

Sourcing Information for Our Content

We source information most accurately by following the given guidelines:

Verify every piece of information with at least two sources.

In the case of a single source, the credibility of the source is ensured through corroboration of what the person is saying.

Look for documentary evidence in every case possible, instead of solely relying on a human source.

As a rule, we provide information about how survey data was collected and interpreted. We prioritize accuracy and inform our audience if there are any discrepancies. We speak to the people involved in the news and explain why we use anonymous sources, sharing as much information about them as possible. We also consult our editors to ensure the appropriateness and use of sources. We have clear conversations with sources to clarify how their information will be used and explain different terms. If we report something negative, we always give people the opportunity to respond. We aim to include sources who don’t have access to public platforms. If in doubt, we consult a senior resource or head of the newsroom to ensure accuracy and reliability.


User-Generated Content

User-generated content presents challenges. We verify its truthfulness and identify it as such. We check unreliable sources and distinguish fact from rumor, especially on social media. We scrutinize materials from social media sites and call out material not gathered by us. Contact us for more information on our fact-checking policy at